IT Blog

VoIP’s Benefits to Small Businesses

VoIP’s Benefits to Small Businesses

While it is only too easy to reduce the benefits of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) solutions to “It’s cheaper than the other way!”, there are many more benefits that a small business could find quite advantageous. Today, we’ll go over a few of these other...

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The ABC(DE)s of Mobile Security

The ABC(DE)s of Mobile Security

As of September of 2019, research conducted by Verizon states that almost half of enterprises--half--are willing to sacrifice their mobile security in order to gain “advantages” in speed and productivity. This marks an increase from just 2018, when this metric...

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Make Work a Game with Gamification

Make Work a Game with Gamification

Finding ways to maximize productivity is typically high on a business owner’s to-do list. The problem is that often managers can’t find a way to effectively motivate their people into doing more. One proven way to get more out of your staff is to gamify their tasks....

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Tip of the Week: 4 Components to Keeping Data Safe

Tip of the Week: 4 Components to Keeping Data Safe

Your business is bound to collect a sizable cache of data, a significant percentage of which being the kind used to identify someone. This is exactly the kind of data that cybercriminals are looking for, which means it needs to be protected. Here, we’re covering the...

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3 Reasons to Use a Password Manager

3 Reasons to Use a Password Manager

With all of the accounts that people have these days, it almost--almost--makes sense that people tend to use passwords that are too short, overly simple, and repeat across multiple accounts. Unfortunately, the only thing this does is to make accounts less secure. As a...

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