IT Blog

Is it Time for a New Router?

Is it Time for a New Router?

If you own a business today, you use the Internet. Chances are about as good that it plays a key role in your daily functioning, which means you need to be sure that your network is well-maintained and functioning equally well. Here, we’ll go over a few ways you can...

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Do You Have the Tools to Track Your Fleet?

Do You Have the Tools to Track Your Fleet?

In a very real way, the Internet has spoiled us, to the point that we fully expect an order to be in our hand in 72 hours - oftentimes, far less than that. Shipping speeds like these are now possible thanks to the use of advanced logistics. If you’re starting to...

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Protect Your Privacy on Facebook, Part 3

Protect Your Privacy on Facebook, Part 3

2.4 billion users actively use Facebook. That’s a lot of information that passes by the Facebook servers each day. One problem that Facebook has had over the past several years is dealing with personal data privacy. With it becoming a larger concern for individuals...

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Protect Your Privacy on Facebook, Part 2

Protect Your Privacy on Facebook, Part 2

If you haven’t read part one of our Facebook privacy blog, it wouldn’t hurt for you to go back and read that one first. Today, we will be looking at configuring your Facebook with security settings designed to protect your personal information. The social media giant...

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Protect Your Privacy on Facebook

Protect Your Privacy on Facebook

Facebook is one of the most popular websites on the Internet and has been a global phenomenon for the two billion people that use the platform. This doesn’t mean that it has been smooth sailing for the tech giant, as over the past several years there have been a few...

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Updating the Latest Major Data Breaches

Updating the Latest Major Data Breaches

A lot has been made recently about cybersecurity, and for many people it has caused them to alter the way they go about doing things. With more people more cognizant of their individual data privacy, and how to combat phishing and other social engineering attempts,...

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Fighting Fire with Fire: Automating Cybersecurity

Fighting Fire with Fire: Automating Cybersecurity

When it comes to cybersecurity, automation can benefit many of your processes and protections. Let’s review how automation can be used to protect your business, and by extension, your livelihood. One of the major cybersecurity concerns of today is how attacks are now...

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Before you Buy VoIP, Evaluate Your Network

Before you Buy VoIP, Evaluate Your Network

Certain useful business technologies, like VoIP, screen-sharing, and webinar platforms, require a lot out of your Internet connection. This means that you need to be sure that you have sufficient bandwidth to support these solutions. Today, we’re taking a look at how...

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