IT Blog

Phishing is a Major Threat

Phishing is a Major Threat

Fishing - a jerk on one end of a line waiting for a jerk on the other end.Phishing - very similar to fishing, but much more consequential. While the word phishing is humorous and relatable due to it being derived from the word “fishing”, the consequences of falling...

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Get the Utility You Need From the Cloud

Get the Utility You Need From the Cloud

If you’ve ever moved files from a flash drive, you are likely well aware at how troublesome limited storage space can be. Business data storage is no different, however the flash drives transition into servers, and the $10 tech store purchase transitions to thousands...

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Woodstock Ontario city targeted by ransomware

Woodstock Ontario city targeted by ransomware

First published September 23, 2019, The City of Woodstock and the Woodstock Police Service are both suffering cyber attacks. Woodstock’s top administrator, David Creery, confirmed the city had a network breach early Saturday, September 21 around 4 a.m. when a virus...

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