IT Blog

Do Not Let Disaster Devastate Your Business

Do Not Let Disaster Devastate Your Business

Plan: NOUN 1. A detailed proposal for doing or achieving something. We’ve all heard or maybe even used the expression “That didn’t go as planned”. More often than not, a well-designed and implemented disaster recovery goes as planned, but do you really want to wager...

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Major Data Breaches of Q2

Major Data Breaches of Q2

With data starting to be treated more like a commodity, companies are spending more time and money attempting to secure the data they have. Some organizations aren’t successful. In 2018, over 446.5 million records were exposed, even as data breaches dropped by 23...

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Which IT Service Is Right for Your Business?

Which IT Service Is Right for Your Business?

Managed Services provide endless benefits to any business, no matter the size. Having a “Fix it when it breaks” attitude is an unrealistic way to run your business in an era that is so heavily technology dependant. Today we dive into the many reasons a Managed Service...

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Let’s Buy a Computer, Part V

Let’s Buy a Computer, Part V

You should be well on your way to getting your new computer. We’ve gone over the processor, the memory, the storage, and the display, and should be confident about what you are looking for. For our final part of our computer buying guide, we are going to focus on...

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Let’s Buy a Computer, Part IV

Let’s Buy a Computer, Part IV

After you’ve got the machine’s core specifications worked out, you then have to turn your attention to your displays. In part four, we take a look at how you are going to broadcast the information from the computer, what you should know about modern displays, and what...

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Let’s Buy a Computer, Part III

Let’s Buy a Computer, Part III

Most modern gadgets have several different options for storage space, including both internal and external storage. However, the amount of space you’ll need on any given device will depend on various factors. It’s critical that you take these factors into account when...

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Let’s Buy a Computer, Part II

Let’s Buy a Computer, Part II

The second part of our desktop buying guide will focus on RAM, or random-access memory. Many users might not understand the importance of this, or they might have the impression that memory is the same thing as the amount of data your computer stores, which is...

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Let’s Buy a Computer, Part I

Let’s Buy a Computer, Part I

Buying a new computer can be exciting, but when you are buying computers for your business, finding the most cost-effective machine that also fits your operational and budgetary needs can  be difficult. Today, we will start our five-part business computing series...

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Six Mistakes Entrepreneurs Can’t Afford to Make

Six Mistakes Entrepreneurs Can’t Afford to Make

Entrepreneurship and business ownership are lofty goals to strive for. Unfortunately, there are a few pitfalls that could easily send an enterprising new owner tumbling down to earth like Icarus. Here, we’ll go over six of these errors so, if you happen to be starting...

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