The Emergence of Mobile Ransomware is Scary

The Emergence of Mobile Ransomware is Scary

For years now, cybersecurity experts have reiterated time and again that it was only a matter of time before smartphones would become a target for major cyberattacks like ransomware. The facts are that most people use smartphones and most of these devices aren’t...
Your Next Smartphone – The Foldables

Your Next Smartphone – The Foldables

While there are many major flagship devices out there, some of the other top-tier innovations might also be viable devices for your organization or for your personal use. Here are some of the more innovative devices on the smartphone market today. Samsung Galaxy Z...
Your Next Smartphone – Value Devices

Your Next Smartphone – Value Devices

Sometimes the word “value” is associated with “bad,” like getting the generic brand of certain goods at the department store. However, sometimes you can get some bang for your buck, so you should at least consider some of the value options–particularly for expensive...