IT Blog

Build Workforce Focus With These Strategies

Build Workforce Focus With These Strategies

Business is hard enough even without having to manage your technology. There are plenty of people to manage, tasks to organize, and operations to streamline. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways you can leverage technology to make a big difference in the way you focus...

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You’ll Want to Get Rid of This Mobile Malware

You’ll Want to Get Rid of This Mobile Malware

Mobile malware isn’t as common as it is on desktops or laptops, but it does still exist. In fact, recently Google had to remove quite a few applications from the Google Play Store because they were infecting smartphones with malware and adware. If you have any of...

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Access to Employee Data Can Get You Into Trouble

Access to Employee Data Can Get You Into Trouble

Nobody likes the look of an email that demands immediate action, and if you have ever received an email like this, you know it’s both a hassle and a frustration when you need to drop everything that you are currently working on to address a particular situation....

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Discussing Routers and Basic Connectivity

Discussing Routers and Basic Connectivity

Most modern businesses depend on wireless Internet connectivity (Wi-Fi) to a certain extent. Do you know what it means when we talk about the various speeds of routers, the data they can transfer, and so on? Today, we wanted to clear up some facts about dual-band...

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Setting Your Startup Page in Chrome

Setting Your Startup Page in Chrome

When you want to be productive, the last thing you want to do is think about where to get started. This is where setting your Startup page in Google Chrome can come in real handy. Let’s discuss how you can set up your Startup page in everyone’s favorite web browser....

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