IT Blog

3 Reasons Cybersecurity is Extremely Important

3 Reasons Cybersecurity is Extremely Important

Today’s blog might seem a bit simple, and that’s because it is. Your network security is going to play a huge part in the operations and functionality of your business, whether you realize it or not. In fact, your network security might be the only thing keeping your...

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Your Next Smartphone – The Foldables

Your Next Smartphone – The Foldables

While there are many major flagship devices out there, some of the other top-tier innovations might also be viable devices for your organization or for your personal use. Here are some of the more innovative devices on the smartphone market today. Samsung Galaxy Z...

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3 Cybersecurity Tools You Need to Consider

3 Cybersecurity Tools You Need to Consider

Network security can be challenging for businesses, but it doesn’t have to be. By following some simple practices, you can level up your security measures considerably, without investing a ton of time, effort, or resources into it. Here are three ways you can improve...

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There’s No Peace of Mind in Paying a Ransom

There’s No Peace of Mind in Paying a Ransom

Ransomware can be disastrous for any business that gets hit by it, but not always in the way that you might expect. It might threaten business continuity and compromise data security, but it can also directly impact the way that the public views your company. In fact,...

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Your Next Smartphone – Value Devices

Your Next Smartphone – Value Devices

Sometimes the word “value” is associated with “bad,” like getting the generic brand of certain goods at the department store. However, sometimes you can get some bang for your buck, so you should at least consider some of the value options–particularly for expensive...

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Understanding the Murky Nature of Shadow IT

Understanding the Murky Nature of Shadow IT

Shadow IT—while it sounds like the title of some B-movie suspense thriller or airport gift shop novel, it’s a very serious business issue that can easily make its way into your operations. Let’s review what shadow IT is, and what can be done to minimize the threats...

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Your Next Smartphone – The Flagship Phones

Your Next Smartphone – The Flagship Phones

When looking to purchase a new smartphone, most people are tempted by the latest and greatest devices on the market. In today’s blog, we’re going to introduce you to just that, the best smartphones you can get and use today. Google Pixel 6 Pro Google spent the past...

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