IT Blog

Exploring the Benefit of a CISO

Exploring the Benefit of a CISO

With cybercrime more prevalent than ever, the importance of keeping your business protected cannot be overstated. In fact, it is so important that there’s a C-suite level role dedicated to it: the Chief Information Security Officer—the CISO. While such a position is...

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What Your Business Needs to Focus on This Year

What Your Business Needs to Focus on This Year

Digital transformation—or the integration of digital technology into all aspects of operations—has been a hot topic of consideration for businesses of all sizes. Let’s consider how you should approach your transformative processes as you work to keep your business...

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The Pen Test Identifies Security Concerns

The Pen Test Identifies Security Concerns

Penetration testing is a term that you often hear about, but won’t really understand it unless it is completely explained to you. Well, you’re in luck because in today’s blog we will explain what penetration testing is and why it is important for data and network...

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Scammers Don’t Affect the Prepared

Scammers Don’t Affect the Prepared

Today’s business world is subject to countless scams and cybersecurity threats, and it’s your job to ensure that your company does not fall victim to these scams and con artists. How can you be sure that the many messages you receive on a regular basis are actually...

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