IT Blog

Deepfakes Can Create a Lot of Security Problems

Deepfakes Can Create a Lot of Security Problems

Would you believe us if we told you that the maps we have grown up looking at are remarkably skewed? That pull-down map in the front of every elementary school classroom probably wasn’t to scale, for one reason or another. Modern technology can make it possible for...

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IT Services Can Help Promote Efficient Operations

IT Services Can Help Promote Efficient Operations

When it comes to preventing operational issues, eliminating unnecessary costs, and cutting out things that keep you from working toward your goals, technology is crucial. Through the power of technology, your business can automate processes, improve productivity, aid...

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Workstations Can Come Several Different Ways

Workstations Can Come Several Different Ways

For companies that depend on their computing, the workstation plays an important role. The problem with them is that spending big money on computers that are used for general productivity is not cost effective, but if they don’t have the computing power needed to...

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How Does HITRUST Tie Back to HIPAA?

How Does HITRUST Tie Back to HIPAA?

Any organization that holds medical records or other healthcare-related sensitive data needs to consider legislation and organizations that govern the privacy of those records. In this case, we are referring to HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and...

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