IT Blog

Using Managed IT to Support Your Remote Workforce

Using Managed IT to Support Your Remote Workforce

Since the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic, remote work has exploded, and many organizations expect to continue it to some extent after the pandemic turns to an endemic. Let’s take a look at some of the technology choices your business can make to make your...

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The Two Server-Hosting Options for SMBs

The Two Server-Hosting Options for SMBs

Businesses need to make a decision about where they want to host their central infrastructure, and with so many options available to them nowadays, it’s often a matter of the demands on the data and applications required. Really, the decision comes down to two...

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For Your Next IT Improvement, Consider a DMS

For Your Next IT Improvement, Consider a DMS

Paper documentation has long been a fixture in the office as a means of helping to organize information and other resources. Of course, asbestos was a fixture in building construction for quite some time as well, so it should be clear that the established way of doing...

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Productivity Seeing Ups and Downs During Pandemic

Productivity Seeing Ups and Downs During Pandemic

We’re not telling you anything you don’t know when we say that productivity is important for every business. When the COVID-19 pandemic struck in early 2020, there was widespread fear that productivity would drop to levels that would ruin the economy. Today, we’ll...

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Basic Practices That Benefit Businesses

Basic Practices That Benefit Businesses

Technology is a staple for business improvements, which is why it is always important to keep a few basics in mind as you go through your operations. Let’s go through a few key strategies, just to really drive their importance home. Uniformity in Tools and Processes...

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Internet Images, Part 2: Resizing Images

Internet Images, Part 2: Resizing Images

In part one of this tutorial we discussed the types of images you will encounter online and how they can be used. Today, we will go a little bit further and talk about how to best alter your images without sacrificing quality. Let’s dive right into it. We will be...

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