IT Blog

Internet Images, Part 1: Image Formats

Internet Images, Part 1: Image Formats

They say a picture is worth 1,000 words. If that is true (or even close to true), images can do a lot for what you are trying to accomplish online. We thought it would be useful to put together a little tutorial about the use of images online and provide some useful...

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Destigmatizing Some Popular IT Buzzwords

Destigmatizing Some Popular IT Buzzwords

Even the most seasoned technology professional—the most gung-ho person about the technology—probably thinks that there’s too much IT-related jargon and buzzwords now floating around. There is a good reason for this: analogies and euphemisms are effective ways to...

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An Introduction to Working With Google Drive

An Introduction to Working With Google Drive

In the nearly ten years it has been available, Google Drive has firmly established itself as one of the best cloud platforms for businesses to use. In case you’re just getting started with it, we’ve put together a cheat sheet to help you out with a few processes....

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