IT Blog

Play It Safe and Update Your Google Password Today

Play It Safe and Update Your Google Password Today

When was the last time you intentionally and systematically changed your passwords? It’s a good practice, even though it can be a huge pain. For many of us, Google is a huge central hub that is tied to a lot of our data. With all of the cybersecurity issues and data...

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A Rundown on the Largest Hack in U.S. History

A Rundown on the Largest Hack in U.S. History

2020 has brought us a lot of news that we’d rather not hear. Just days before the end of what may be regarded as one of the worst years on record, there is more. One of the largest hacks in the history of the Internet happened earlier this year and more is being...

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How Comment Sections Can Be Cleaned Up with AI

How Comment Sections Can Be Cleaned Up with AI

There are theoretically countless ways that artificial intelligence can have practical applications. One that you may not have initially considered: as a content filter for Internet comments. With trolling, spamming, and other misuse of these platforms getting far out...

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Reconsidering a Classic Christmas Story

Reconsidering a Classic Christmas Story

Around this time each year, there’s a tradition of people telling stories that have been passed down for years. We wanted to participate this year, so we’ve decided to reimagine a true holiday classic: Die Hard. Let’s consider how the action may have played out...

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How the Pandemic Has Impacted Gig Workers

How the Pandemic Has Impacted Gig Workers

While historically, the idea of a 9-to-5 job in a company has been the established way to make a living, there is now a large section of the workforce who now generates income through shorter contracts—gigs. The stay-at-home orders passed in March and the millions...

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