IT Blog

Document Your Business’ IT

Document Your Business’ IT

I bet you can’t name the amount of network switches at your office. How many licenses of Office do you have? Do you know if your router warranty has lapsed? Most business owners don’t ask these questions very often, but these issues can often have a marked effect on...

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Working Hard to Secure Your Endpoints

Working Hard to Secure Your Endpoints

In March, when the stay-at-home orders first came down, and businesses started asking their employees to work from home, it was obvious that many of them were not prepared for this contingency. As the pandemic has gone on, however, businesses have had to adapt. Today,...

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Holiday Shopping is Looking Different This Year

Holiday Shopping is Looking Different This Year

Unfortunately, this season’s holiday is going to be much like the rest of 2020: risky. With many people taking the necessary precautions to not contract or spread the coronavirus, a lot of people are doing most of their shopping online. By distancing from others and...

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Mobile Smishing is Being Employed More Often

Mobile Smishing is Being Employed More Often

Cyberattacks continue to be a major problem as scammers send out billions of phishing messages a day. While it doesn’t really sound that nefarious it can be a major problem for a lot of people. One version of phishing, the absurdly labeled smishing, is gaining...

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Looking After Your Newly Remote Workforce

Looking After Your Newly Remote Workforce

With so many companies pivoting to remote operations this year, strategies to keep your data and infrastructure secure have had to pivot as well. Today, we’ll go through some important variables that you need to address to maintain a secure and reliable computing...

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