IT Blog

How a Penetration Test Plays Out

How a Penetration Test Plays Out

Wouldn’t it be nice to know how much risk your business was under, in terms of vulnerabilities and potential exploits? Believe it or not, this is entirely possible, through a process known as penetration testing. Commonly referred to as “pen testing,” this simple...

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Keys to Warding off 2020’s Cyberthreats

Keys to Warding off 2020’s Cyberthreats

There are a lot of cyberthreats out there… too many for the modern business to avoid them all. While employing best practices may greatly reduce your chances of being breached and having data stolen from your network, they can also help you determine how a breach...

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6 Huge Benefits Businesses Gain from the Cloud

6 Huge Benefits Businesses Gain from the Cloud

Cloud computing can be a huge benefit for your business, but most times it is thought of as just a cost-saving measure. In reality, investing in the cloud can have a number of serious benefits for any business bold enough to commit to hosted computing. Today, we will...

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How Can We Secure Our Use of Smart Assistants?

How Can We Secure Our Use of Smart Assistants?

Smart assistants are one of the most intriguing and confounding technologies developed over the past decade. At the time of this writing, over 150 million smart speakers are in 60 million homes in the United States, when you add in the smart assistants available on...

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Android’s Evolution Over Time

Android’s Evolution Over Time

With a market share of 87 percent in 2019, Android is obviously a popular operating system and has been for some time. With the years that have passed since it debuted in 2008, it has changed shape quite considerably, with many features and capabilities introduced and...

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Why (and How) to Build a Company Knowledge Base

Why (and How) to Build a Company Knowledge Base

“Knowledge is power.” This theme has been demonstrated countless times throughout history, from the huge conflicts that spanned the globe, to the meteoric rises that many businesses have seen, down to the conversations held at the dinner table. Knowledge simply makes...

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Strategies for Remote Workers and Students

Strategies for Remote Workers and Students

With schools now in full swing, some places are still forcing parents into the unenviable position of having to play educator as well as having to work full-time. This has caused a lot of stress for a lot of people. As the pandemic keeps people from congregating in...

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Do You Know What a Strong Password Looks Like?

Do You Know What a Strong Password Looks Like?

For the past twenty years, the password has been the most important security tool that individuals and businesses have to keep outside parties out of their personal and professional information. This may not always be the case, but much of a business’ security is...

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