IT Blog

Improve Your Email Management in Outlook

Improve Your Email Management in Outlook

We all use email, in fact, without an email account you couldn’t do much of anything online. For those that use it for business, it can be a complete drag, often hindering as much as it helps. Microsoft has improved their Outlook platform with some useful features...

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Today, VoIP Has More Value than Ever

Today, VoIP Has More Value than Ever

In one of the most negative times in recent memory, something positive happened, people started to work from home using technology as a facilitator. This has led a lot of businesses, who hadn’t already, looking to make a digital transformation. As one of the most...

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How Managed Services Can Help Businesses Right Now

How Managed Services Can Help Businesses Right Now

We’re just shy of halfway through 2020, and it is already apparent that this will go down as one of the most challenging years for businesses around the world for some time. With many businesses facing extensive and continued pauses in their operations, many will be...

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Tip of the Week: Optimism Improves Reality

Tip of the Week: Optimism Improves Reality

It has been pretty difficult for most small business owners to stay positive lately. They’ve had to deal with more in the past few months than many have in their entire entrepreneurial careers. Today, as businesses are gearing up to get back to work, we thought it...

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Video Conferencing Security is Important

Video Conferencing Security is Important

Video conferencing has been one of the surprise winners of the COVID-19 era. As large percentages of people are asked to distance from others, one solution that has been extremely popular is to have meetings over the Internet. While seemingly the whole world is using...

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Never Has the Cloud Been More Important

Never Has the Cloud Been More Important

Over the past decade we’ve seen the rapid growth of cloud computing, but many decision makers and business owners were skeptical of the actual utility in cloud-based utility computing. With COVID-19-based stay-at-home orders lasting for over six-to-12 weeks in some...

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Tip of the Week: Sanitize Your Computer

Tip of the Week: Sanitize Your Computer

While we may talk about computer viruses a lot, we wanted to change tack briefly and talk about the other kind--the kind that makes you sick, rather than your technology. With COVID-19 still plaguing the news, we felt that there was no time like the present to do so....

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Basic Wireless Security for Remote Work

Basic Wireless Security for Remote Work

With remote work becoming a popular option amongst businesses nowadays, concerns and considerations should be raised about how secure the networks being used are: namely, the Wi-Fi connections many have in their homes. Just as in the office, it is important that these...

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