IT Blog

COVID-19 and the Small Business

COVID-19 and the Small Business

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak businesses have been trying to find ways to keep revenue streaming in without having to suspend operations. This week we thought we would take a look at some of the cybersecurity you will need to get through this difficult economic...

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How to Avoid Miscommunications During Remote Work

How to Avoid Miscommunications During Remote Work

With many businesses having to close their doors for the time being in response to COVID-19, many have started to see remote work as a preferable alternative to stopping their operations completely. Of course, as this is the first time that a sizable portion of these...

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Can You Trust Your Staff to Be Productive?

Can You Trust Your Staff to Be Productive?

While one would certainly hope that you would only hire people that you would trust to work for you, the big question still remains of whether or not you should trust them. Our advice: you certainly should, for the good of your business. Here’s why. Improved...

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Is Security in Telework a Myth?

Is Security in Telework a Myth?

With so many people working from home due to the COVID-19 outbreak, organizational IT security is stretched thin. It is important that you know how to maintain operational integrity while prioritizing security when your whole staff is working from home.  Here are...

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How to Ensure Your Cloud Platforms are Secure

How to Ensure Your Cloud Platforms are Secure

Before we start on what practices you should be prioritizing when it comes to your cloud resources, we want to recognize that most businesses have found cloud computing to be extraordinarily useful. In fact, that is why we wanted to discuss some actions that you need...

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Cut Printing Costs by Digitizing Your Files

Cut Printing Costs by Digitizing Your Files

Many businesses will be looking to cut costs as the COVID-19 crisis heads into its second full month in the east. One way that businesses can cut a few dollars off the budget is to finally phase out their wasteful printing practices and adopt a more streamlined...

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How are Tech Giants Responding to COVID-19?

How are Tech Giants Responding to COVID-19?

Coronavirus is on everyone’s mind, from the public at large to businesses of all shapes and sizes. While the impact of COVID-19 has had a disproportionate impact on small businesses, corporations and enterprise businesses have also felt these changes. However, unlike...

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Why a Routine Approach to Work is a Good Thing

Why a Routine Approach to Work is a Good Thing

When it comes to business efficiency, setting up a fixed process can have significant benefits, which helps explain why many tend to naturally fall into a routine in the workplace. This applies doubly so when working from home too. Let’s go over why routines can be so...

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