IT Blog

Tip of the Week: How to Keep Control of Your Cloud

Tip of the Week: How to Keep Control of Your Cloud

We always recommend cloud platforms to our clients, especially those who need a central place to host important data and applications. However, it is possible to go too far when implementing cloud services. We’ll discuss how you can monitor your cloud computing costs,...

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The Cloud Isn’t Necessarily Safe

The Cloud Isn’t Necessarily Safe

The Cloud. That big, vague entity where a lot of us our entrusting our information has lifted a huge burden off of businesses by alleviating the need for expensive onsite hardware. It makes user management a little more user friendly. It keeps us connected and in...

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Tech Terminology: API

Tech Terminology: API

It is said that software runs the world, but it wouldn’t necessarily be so without the ability to integrate applications with others. What exactly makes these integrations possible? For this week’s tech term, we will briefly introduce you to the application...

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Prioritizing Network Security is a Must

Prioritizing Network Security is a Must

Every business has their version of risk management. Nowadays, with all the technology organizations use for productivity, collaboration, and communications, managing risk can often be difficult. There are numerous threats that come from the Internet that could put a...

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