IT Blog

How to Make Your Workday Simpler

How to Make Your Workday Simpler

Look, we get it… work isn’t always the most fun thing in the world. In fact, it can often be downright stressful - especially when distractions get in the way. Fortunately for our sanity, there are plenty of ways to help reduce - or even eliminate - this stress. We’ll...

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“Paying the Ransom” Isn’t a Ransomware Defense

“Paying the Ransom” Isn’t a Ransomware Defense

Ransomware has become a favorite attack vector for hackers - after all, for them, it’s pretty much a no loss game. They either get paid, or they move on to their next target. Unfortunately, cyberattackers that dispatch ransomware often do get paid, and these payments...

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NSA-Developed Malware Used in Third-Party Hack

NSA-Developed Malware Used in Third-Party Hack

Have you ever wondered what happens when hackers gain access to state-developed malware tools? Well, now you don’t have to; a type of malware called Double Pulsar, that has been utilized in the past by the NSA, was bundled with a Chinese hacking tool and used to carry...

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Google Docs Working on Office Support

Google Docs Working on Office Support

Businesses are expected to make a choice regarding which solutions they will utilize. Typically they choose between Google’s or Microsoft’s productivity solutions. The unfortunate side of the decision is that they are often used exclusively, meaning there was little...

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Even Cities Aren’t Immune to Ransomware

Even Cities Aren’t Immune to Ransomware

Ransomware hasn’t let up. It is essential to understand that any organization, of any kind, is a potential target of a ransomware attack - and yes, this includes municipalities. In fact, since 2013, over 170 government systems at the national, provincial and municipal...

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Protect Your Data Using These Three Methods

Protect Your Data Using These Three Methods

With so much on the line for businesses that deal with sensitive information, security needs to be considered a top priority. Unfortunately, one solution that works for every threat out there doesn’t exist. The right combination of enterprise-level security solutions...

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