IT Blog

How to Restore Data You Didn’t Mean to Delete

How to Restore Data You Didn’t Mean to Delete

Whoops! Didn’t mean to delete that, did you? We’ve all found ourselves having accidentally deleted something important. Below, we’ll review how - with any luck - you might be able to restore this data. We’ll go over a few practices that you should follow if you ever...

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Tip of the Week: 4 Gmail-Connected Apps

Tip of the Week: 4 Gmail-Connected Apps

Gmail is a widely used email client for both individuals and businesses, and as such, it’s a valuable tool that helps them get the most out of the workday. Gmail provides an incredible amount of space to store, archive, and sync messages with other email providers,...

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Managing Your Cloud Costs

Managing Your Cloud Costs

Cloud computing has taken the business world by storm. It wasn’t so long ago that businesses had to pay in-house technicians good money to design, research, and purchase all the hardware needed to run an onsite server. This is an expensive endeavour, and for a small...

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Many Businesses Are Moving to a Hybrid System

Many Businesses Are Moving to a Hybrid System

Cloud computing provides many benefits for many businesses due to its constant availability, pricing structure, and its penchant for being the most easily scalable computing platform. It offers a lot of options that can help an organization control its computing costs...

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Tip of the Week: 5 Handy OneNote Features

Tip of the Week: 5 Handy OneNote Features

On the surface, Microsoft OneNote seems to be a pretty basic program - it’s just a quick place to jot notes. In actuality, OneNote offers functions far beyond that of a digital scratchpad. For this week’s tip, we’ll review some of these functions. Applying Tags...

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Who Should Regulate Wearables?

Who Should Regulate Wearables?

Wearable technology, or “wearables”, have been around for decades, technically first becoming popular with Pulsar’s Calculator Wristwatch in the 1970s. Since then, our wearables have become much more capable, accumulating detailed profiles on us as we use them. This...

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Looking Back at 2019 Data Breaches

Looking Back at 2019 Data Breaches

Data is more of a commodity than it has ever been, and more often than not, companies spend a considerable sum on data security. Unfortunately, even the most well-defended organizations still have trouble keeping data safe. 2018 saw 446.5 million records exposed due...

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