IT Blog

Foldable Screens Enter Smartphone Market

Foldable Screens Enter Smartphone Market

There have been whispers for years about manufacturers using flexible OLED (organic light-emitting diode) displays to create devices that were flexible enough to fold in half. As late as 2018, that’s all they were...whispers. In the subsequent year, to the surprise of...

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Security Is a Big Component of Windows 10

Security Is a Big Component of Windows 10

With Microsoft betting on Windows 10 to be their #1 OS for the foreseeable future, it is essential for them to be able to sufficiently protect their users from the growing threats looking to make life difficult for businesses from all over the world. Today, we will...

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Are the Messaging Apps You Use Secure?

Are the Messaging Apps You Use Secure?

Messaging applications are critical to the success of the modern business, but it’s essential that they don’t compromise security in the pursuit of convenience. There is a specific set of criteria involved with ensuring that your chosen messaging applications are...

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Clarifying a Few IT Stereotypes

Clarifying a Few IT Stereotypes

We’ve long accepted that, as an IT provider, there are a lot of stereotypes about what we can do and how we do it. Yet, just because we’ve accepted it, doesn’t mean we aren’t going to do anything about it. That’s why we wanted to use this blog post to clear up a few...

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Tip of the Week: Create Useful Email Subjects

Tip of the Week: Create Useful Email Subjects

If you’ve ever received an email without a subject line, chances are you’ve never felt inclined to open it as soon as possible. The email subject line is critical to capturing the user’s attention, as it helps to ensure they understand what they can expect from the...

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Should Your Business Be Looking to Chrome OS?

Should Your Business Be Looking to Chrome OS?

Chances are that you use the Chrome web browser, and we know that even if you don’t, you definitely use Google search. With all the exposure these applications bring Google, it is kind of strange that their operating system, Chrome OS, isn’t more popular. Today, we...

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Migrating To the Cloud? Avoid These Problems

Migrating To the Cloud? Avoid These Problems

With cloud computing being utilized by a majority of businesses nowadays, it’s not as big of a surprise when one wants to move files from a locally-hosted server to a cloud server; or, from a cloud server to a new cloud server. This presents a fair amount of problems...

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Tip of the Week: Creating a Database in Excel

Tip of the Week: Creating a Database in Excel

When trying to keep a lot of data organized concisely, while still keeping it all accessible when needed, a database is an excellent tool to leverage. Furthermore, it can be fairly simple to generate one of your own by using Microsoft Excel. We’ll offer a few steps...

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