IT Blog

Tip of the Week: Handy Browsing Shortcuts

Tip of the Week: Handy Browsing Shortcuts

When so much of the day is spent working on the computer, it can be argued that efficiency is paramount to productivity. The faster you are able to do things, the more you could potentially get done. This is how shortcuts work: while the changes are incremental, they...

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OLED Displays Are Something Special

OLED Displays Are Something Special

Displays are a huge selling point for many commercially available technologies. With the need for high definition capabilities now commonplace, many manufacturers have been looking to OLED technology. Today, we will take a look at the OLED display to give you an idea...

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Windows 7 is Approaching End-of-Life

Windows 7 is Approaching End-of-Life

If you’re reading this on a computer that’s currently running Windows 7, I have some bad news: the End-of-Life date for this version is approaching. What does this mean for your business and the workstations that support it? Read on to find out. End-of-Life? Don’t...

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Tip of the Week: How Office 365 Helps You Get Work Done

Tip of the Week: How Office 365 Helps You Get Work Done

Microsoft Office 365 takes the familiar Microsoft Office solutions and adds an extra level of usefulness to them in the form of accessibility and collaboration. This week, our tip covers how to use these features of Office 365, in the context of Microsoft Word....

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Getting a Better Understanding of Human Resources

Getting a Better Understanding of Human Resources

The Human Resources department is now a critical part of any workplace’s success, but there are most likely misconceptions about this department’s mission. Where did the idea of Human Resources come from, and how can technology be leveraged to assist in their duties?...

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How Safe is Your Email?

How Safe is Your Email?

Email is (and has been) a prime method of communication for businesses of all sizes. With email comes a whole slew of issues that are essentially synonymous with the technology; spam, information overload, phishing, and information privacy. Even AREASERVED small...

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What is your Identity Worth to You?

What is your Identity Worth to You?

Your identity has quite a lot of value, especially in the wrong hands. Security firm ZoneAlarm put together some numbers in 2011 concerning identity fraud, and it even shocked us. Let's talk about a few of these statistics and what it means. First of all, what shocked...

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Disaster Recovery and Why it Matters to Businesses

Disaster Recovery and Why it Matters to Businesses

When you mention the term 'disaster recovery,' most people think about the big ground-shattering events like earthquakes, fires, floods, tropical storms, etc. While these natural events are certainly disasters and devastating in their own right, smaller things can...

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